Legal Notice

This website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is published by REX PRODUCTIONS

Site Director: Jonathan Clarke

Jonathan Clarke

63-65 boulevard Masséna - 75013 PARIS FRANCE
Tel +33 (0) 1 Email contact:


All elements on the Site (still images, moving images, databases, trademarks, illustrations, logos, drawings, models, page layouts, downloadable documents) are protected as intellectual works by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Without prior written authorisation from the publisher, any reproduction, representation, adaptation or modification, in whole or in part, of any of the elements making up the Site, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited and will be prosecuted. To request authorisation, the user may send an e-mail to the following address:

However, the reproduction of a quotation from a text appearing on the Site is authorised in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. 

The use of quotations is subject to certain conditions:

it must necessarily be short and will be assessed according to the size of the articles, news items and features published on the Site;

it must be justified by its critical, polemical, educational, scientific or informative nature;

it must clearly indicate the name of REX PRODUCTIONS as the source.

Any links appearing on the Site and referring to external sites are provided for information purposes only. Rex Productions cannot be held responsible for the content of these external sites.

The trademarks and logos reproduced on the Website are registered by Rex Productions. Any reproduction or representation of all or part of the trademarks and/or logos, by any means whatsoever, without prior written authorisation from Rex Productions is prohibited.

Rex Productions authorises the creation of a hypertext link pointing to the content of the Website, provided that Rex Productions is expressly informed in advance by e-mail to the following address and provided that:

the hypertext link opens the Site in a new browser window. It is forbidden to integrate all or part of the Site's content into another site using the "frame" technique;
access to the pages containing the hypertext link to the Site is free of charge;
the hypertext link leads to the Site's home page. It is forbidden to use the deep linking technique; to mention the source with a hypertext link enabling any user to be redirected directly to the content in question.

Please note! This authorisation does not apply to sites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, undermine public order and morality.
In any event, Infopro Digital Trade Shows reserves the right to request the immediate removal of the link created to the Site without having to give any particular reason. It is specified that this authorisation does not imply authorisation to reproduce all or part of the content of the Website, in particular a title or a heading for the naming of the hypertext link.

Certain sections of the Website are accessible only to exhibitors at trade shows organised by Rex Productions and are made available by means of an identifier and access code communicated by Rex Productions.

Obligations of the user :

The user undertakes to comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force, and in particular not to use the Site and its services to write, transmit or communicate any message, information or content that is illicit, of any nature whatsoever, and in particular offensive, insulting, defamatory, abusive, violent, obscene or pornographic, or that constitutes incitement to discrimination or hatred based on race, religion, sex or any other grounds, incitement to commit a crime or an offence, or an apology for a crime, or that is likely to alter the operation of computer systems. The user shall refrain from any infringement of competition law.

Similarly, the user undertakes to respect the rights of third parties, in particular the right to privacy, and all intellectual property rights (copyright, neighbouring rights, database rights, trademark rights, patent rights, designs or models, trade secrets, etc.).

The user also undertakes not to usurp any quality, attribute or identifier of such a nature as to mislead or create any confusion as to his/her identity.
Finally, the user undertakes not to disseminate via the Site any unsolicited messages of an advertising, promotional, chain mail or other nature.

Users are solely responsible for their use of the Site and its services.

In particular, the use of information, messages or data of any kind available on the Site is the sole responsibility of the user. The decisions or actions that the latter may be led to take or to carry out in consideration thereof shall not incur any liability other than his/her own.

The user is the sole judge of the completeness and usefulness of the content consulted. He therefore undertakes to use the Site and its services with discernment and to bear the risks associated with their use.

The user agrees to abide by any measures implemented by Rex Productions in application of the law in force.

Responsibility of the publisher :

Rex Productions makes every effort to ensure the quality of the information it publishes.

However, Rex Productions cannot be held responsible for messages, information or content that it did not directly create or produce, and in particular for their veracity, relevance and, in general, for any errors or omissions they may contain. Consequently, Rex Productions may not be held liable for any damage whatsoever that may result therefrom.

In general, the user accepts that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Rex Productions cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage whatsoever, and in particular for any loss of profit or data, resulting from the use of the Site and its services or from a visit to the Site.

Rex Productions does not guarantee that the Site and its services will perfectly meet the user's expectations, will not be interrupted, or will be relevant, exhaustive or error-free.

Rex Productions does not guarantee that the Site and its services will perfectly meet the user's expectations, will not be interrupted, or will be relevant, exhaustive or error-free.

Similarly, Rex Productions accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, legitimacy, reliability or availability of information contained on third-party websites referenced on the Site. Rex Productions in no way guarantees the commercial success, the adaptation to the user's needs or the respect of intellectual property rights of the information available on third party sites.

Any personal information collected within the framework of the Site or its services by Rex Productions, as identified above, is subject to computer processing under the conditions defined by the applicable legal provisions. It is necessary for Rex Productions to process access to the Site, its services or any other request from the user (in particular a request to pre-register for certain events organised by Rex Productions).
During your visit to the show, we inform you that certain exhibitors may, with your consent, scan your visitor badge, thereby recovering your details in order to send you commercial solicitations directly. 

As the exhibitor collects this data directly, Rex Productions declines all responsibility for the collection and processing of your personal data that may subsequently be carried out by the said exhibitor.

At the entrance to conferences sponsored by exhibitors, hostesses/hosts may, with your consent, scan your visitor badge on behalf of the exhibitor sponsoring the conference in question. As this collection is carried out on behalf of the exhibitor, Rex Productions declines all responsibility for the collection and processing of your personal data that may subsequently be carried out by the said exhibitor.

At the entrance to conferences sponsored by exhibitors, hostesses/hosts may, with your consent, scan your visitor badge on behalf of the exhibitor sponsoring the conference concerned. As this collection is carried out on behalf of the exhibitor, Rex Productions declines all responsibility for the collection and processing of your personal data that may subsequently be carried out by the said exhibitor.

The personal data collected may be used by Rex Productions.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended by the Act of 6 August 2004, persons whose personal data has been collected have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete all data concerning them.

To exercise these rights, they may send their request by e-mail to the following address or by following the procedure indicated in each commercial e-mail sent by Rex Productions.

In compliance with this law, the collection and storage of personal data by Rex Productions has been declared to the CNIL.
This data may be transferred or rented to commercial partners for commercial prospecting purposes, subject to the exercise of the right of opposition by any person concerned.

Users are required to comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, any breach of which is punishable by criminal penalties. In particular, they must refrain from collecting or misusing any personal information to which they have access and, in general, from any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.

Rex Productions uses cookies to ensure that its services run smoothly and efficiently and, in particular, that customers do not have to identify themselves each time they access the site. Cookies are files that identify customers each time they connect to the site.

To find out more about our "cookies" policy, visit the following page:

The user may access all the information contained in the files in relation to these cookies, in accordance with article 34 of the law of 6 January 1978. Users may object to the use of these cookies by configuring their browser, it being specified that such settings are likely to alter the conditions of access to the Site's content and services requiring the use of cookies.



+33 (0)6 29 58 32 27


Jonathan CLARKE
+33 (0)6 99 60 03 10


Texte (block)
Ludivine DUMONT
+33 (0)4 78 30 30 69


Aurélie Lamandé
+33 (0)7 82 14 61 99