Code of Conduct

Anti-harassment policy

All participants, speakers, sponsors and volunteers for our conference must agree to the following code of conduct. The organisers will endeavour to enforce this code during the event. We expect every participant to cooperate to ensure a healthy environment for all.

devops REX is intended to be a harassment-free experience. We, the organisers and signatories of this code of conduct, undertake not to tolerate any form of harassment under any circumstances. Visitors, sponsors and partners who violate this rule will be sanctioned and excluded from the conference without any possibility of reimbursement, at the simple request of the organisers.

Harassment includes offensive verbal, written or gestural comments about gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity or religion. Harassment includes following, observing, photographing, filming, recording or imposing physical contact on a person without their consent or knowledge. Harassment is also defined as any behaviour deliberately aimed at intimidating a person, including systematically interrupting their activities and exchanges with other participants. Similarly, no inappropriate sexual advances will be tolerated. Finally, it is forbidden to disseminate any content of a sexual nature in a public space, or to engage in any activity, gesture or announcement of a sexual nature. This last point also applies to attire worn at the conference venue, which must under no circumstances be provocative or contribute to the sexualisation of the person so dressed, and of the conference itself by extension.

If you feel harassed, or if you notice that someone is being harassed, immediately contact a member of the organisation who can be identified by a badge.

Code of conduct

I. By participating in devops REX, I learn and share my experience with other devops REX participants, in order to advance my knowledge and that of others, for individual and collective benefit. I am co-creating the experience with the other participants, so I am prepared to contribute my presence, sensitivity and energy to creating the best possible experience for myself and others.

II. I come to devops REX to interact with people. I understand that suggestive or derogatory images and language may offend other attendees, making the experience unpleasant for them. I also understand that people may have different sensibilities to me. I accept unreservedly that something may be reported to me as offensive or unacceptable in the context of the devops REX event and I will adapt my behaviour and my comments accordingly.

III. I will never intentionally harass or offend another participant, in particular on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity or religion, and I will not tolerate harassment or victimisation of another participant. If I witness such a situation, I will inform the perpetrator of the incorrect nature of his or her behaviour and I will inform the devops REX organisers.

IV. If I myself am offended or harassed, I inform the people around me whom I trust, or more generally with whom I feel safe, as well as the devops REX organisers. Once I feel safe, I inform the organisers of the person(s) responsible for the inappropriate behaviour and, if I wish, I can inform the person(s) concerned myself, in the hope that it was just an ignorant blunder and not a conscious and malicious act. However, I am under no obligation to do so.

VI. I have confidence in the ability of both the devops REX organisers and the participants to work together to create the best possible experience for everyone, including myself. I believe in the vocation of devops REX, which is to help us all to grow technically, methodologically and humanely, and I am not forgetting that it is also my responsibility to make this event an enriching success in every respect. If I or any other participant behaves in a way that compromises this aspect of the event, I expect the conference organisers to take appropriate action, including expelling those responsible and involving the appropriate authorities.

V. I too understand that we are all different and that what is obviously inappropriate for me may not be so, or not as much, for others. So I try to forgive others for inappropriate actions that may have been committed in good faith, while keeping in mind that my priority remains my safety and the safety of others. I therefore react without hesitation or reservation in the event of an inappropriate situation.



+33 (0)6 29 58 32 27


Jonathan CLARKE
+33 (0)6 99 60 03 10


Ludivine DUMONT
+33 (0)4 78 30 30 69


Aurélie Lamandé
+33 (0)7 82 14 61 99